Sunday, May 30, 2010
Things My Life Has Taught Me #12
Doing something that is scary, if it isn’t actually dangerous, can be a liberating experience. Be brave and give it a go, but being brave and being careful should go together.
Be aware of the danger and take necessary cautions, then do it The adrenaline rush when you finally do it is fantastic!
Saturday, May 29, 2010
Things My Life Has Taught Me #11
If you don’t try things, you will always miss out on things and that will make you unhappy. You will always be getting bogged down with ‘If onlys’ and you won’t be moving on to better things.
Challenges in your life can bring you happiness that lasts.
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Things My Life Has Taught Me #10
You will have a better understanding of what you are capable of, and you will be more willing and able to do things in the future.
Challenges unfaced can be the regrets that will live with you for your whole life. Regrets are reminders of your bad choices in life.
You may be better off trying things and learning from mistakes, than never trying things, and regretting what you missed out on.
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Things My Life Has Taught Me #9
If your heart is set on flying, then get those flying lessons!
Things My Life Has Taught Me #8
Sometimes people do things without even realising the effect of their actions on others. And sometimes bad people tell lies.
It is important to look at what people do, more than you listen to what they say they do. Liars are all around, but if you watch and listen you can sort truth from fiction. What people do is more real than what they say.
Monday, May 24, 2010
Things My Life Has Taught Me #7
If you feel something is wrong, don’t say no straight away; think further, then decide. It just may be your fear getting in the way.
Fear is a useful emotion on many occasions, but it is important to be mindful and remain aware that first thoughts can be changed after further examination of the situation.
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Things My Life Has Taught Me #6
Be prepared to listen to the lessons life gives you. If you’re not prepared to listen to the lesson, you won’t learn anything.
Everyone you meet may have something you can learn about. No new information is wasted, unless you never try to see if you can learn from it.
Saturday, May 22, 2010
Things My Life Has Taught Me #5
You never know what road your life may take your down. Even if you think you have your life organised, you can still get your life disrupted.
Accidents, illness and various other things can force you to take a new path in life.
Friday, May 21, 2010
Things My Life Has Taught Me #4
Remain positive and learn to live with your challenges in life. Remaining positive leaves you open to new learnings.
Being negative won’t take you to better places. You need to believe in the better things, otherwise you’ll never notice them as they come before you.
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Things My Life Has Taught Me #3
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Things my life has taught me #2
You've got to keep smiling, otherwise, what is there? If you adopt an unhappy outlook, even if only for a while, when life gives you challenges, other people may keep away from you. If you smile, even when life is giving you a hard time, at least you will have more people there to help you get through.
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Things my life has taught me #1
If you decide to try a new thing, you will learn whether that thing works for you. If you never try new things, you could be missing out on fantastic things.
Monday, May 10, 2010
What Can You do to Make the World Better?
I just read a lovely idea that helps fight depression and negative thoughts at the same time. Read this story and perhaps do the same thing in your office or home.
Some of us eat things that we know will wreck our healthy eating sometimes. And I’d say most people think nasty thoughts and can’t think of anything good sometimes too.
We can all play a part in making the world a better place to live.